Guide to take Screenshot on Mac OS [Different Methods explained] - iShouTech

Guide to take Screenshot on Mac OS [Different Methods explained]

Here is a guide to take screenshot on MAC OS with commands, software & different alternative methods. If you are using an Apple laptop and your work requires a screenshot regularly, then you need to know the best way to take a screenshot.

Guide to take Screenshot on Mac OS [Different Methods explained]

Screenshot on MAC

Screenshot on MAC

There are many ways to take a screenshot in mac like using the keyboard method or using any alternative software, but the best way to take a screenshot is to use the command line.

Take Screenshot on Mac Using Commands:

Aside from using a keyboard, you can also take a screenshot on mac OS directly from the terminal along with a screen capture command. Here is a total overview where you will get information on how to take a screenshot in mac OS by using a command.

Use Command from A Terminal for Mac OS

First, you have to start the terminal and then type screen capture test.jpg. This is the most initial, or we can say the basic format of the command to take a screenshot. Then it will help you in taking the screenshot of the whole screen, and it will give the name of “test.jpg” in its working terminal directory, which will be your user home. You can also choose another location only by choosing the path of the screenshot by typing screen-capture/desktop/

Send Screenshot by Using the Command Line

If you want that your screenshot will be sent to your clipboard instead of sending it to a file then you can attach c flag but don’t assign any path name or file to it. You can now get it on your clipboard which you can paste it into preview, pages and photo Shops.

Take A Screenshot on A Timer by Using the Command Line

One of the good features of using the command for taking the screenshot is that it let you take screenshots on time. Here it will help you in capturing the alert like menus, boxes, and many more things. The –t flag needs to be allowed amount in seconds.

4.Take a screenshot in silent by using the command

While taking a screenshot, there is always a sound of it, but if you want to take a screenshot with silence, then you have to use –x flag and type the command screen capture –x quiet.jpg and the work will be done.

Sending where from terminal to mail using the command

first type the command screen capture-m mailme.jpg after that screenshot will be taken, and it will be saved as mailme.jpg, then it will automatically open the mail, and the screenshot will be attached to it. After that you can perform a variety of function by using a single command. If you want to see if you have any other options, then use the command-line screen capture h it will let you know about other options.

Alternative Methods Using Software

A grab is an alternative software that will help you in taking the screenshot of the screen and will save them as image files. Grab has various types of modes for screen capture, and updated shortcuts are also supported. It comes with updated versions for mac OS.

To use grab, you have to:

  • open grab from the utility folder, which comes under applications.
  • You have to type grab app in finder.
  • Then open the Launchpad then go to another and click on grab.

Grab generally saves the screenshot in PNG format. It is an image format that is considered a lOSsless image. You can also change the also format to JPG, GIF, TIFF, and also in PDF format.

How will you change the screenshot photo format?

Suppose you want to change the format of the general photo from PNG to JPG. Then you just have to open the terminal then type the command without any quotation marks.

Taking screenshot using grab?

  1. The first click on grab then goes to capture option. This will help you in taking a screenshot of a particular region you want.
  2. If you want to trigger the select option, you can use shift + command + A.
  3. To capture the screenshot of the window, you can go to grab then go to capture then to the window.
  4. For shortcut or an alternative way to trigger the option of window capture, then use Shift+ Command + W.
  5. To screenshot of the whole screen in mac OS, then go to grab then go to capture and then screen.


Here the process of taking screenshot mac OS using the command in mac OS is explained. It will help you in knowing various alternative methods to take a screenshot if taking a screenshot is important for you.

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